
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

Powerful Chief (Manco Cápac): Full Peruvian Movie

Watch Movie Powerful Chief tells us the story of Elisbán, a young man in a precarious condition who, after his arrival in a city that is strange to him, undertakes a personal odyssey that will finally lead him to understand the importance of a pragmatic spirituality in accordance with his remote ancestors and the astonishing universe of elements, distant from each other, which find association in the story of Elisbán in the most unthinkable ways. "Powerful Chief ( Manco Cápac )": A unique cinematic work that explores the beauty of simplicity. Metaphorical, subtly sobering, beautifully shot, brilliant performances by Jesus Luque and cast, directed by Henry Vallejo. Watch Full Movie HERE  👈  When on the streaming page, click on: Alquilar por {price } or Alquiler $ 1.5  👈 * English subtitles. * 4K, Dolby 5.1

Powerful Chief (Manco Cápac)

"Poweful Chief (Manco Cápac)", a film by Henry Vallejo, starts with a very particular image, with an imposible angle of vision of the magical eye... That wonderful and unusual magical eye that will accompany the protagonist of this story for the rest of it, allows us to see a boy named Elisbán (Jesús Luque) curled up in a fetal position, sitting on the small platform that is the middle part of the stairs that connect the first with the second floor of a bus; the boy lies next to the window and the door of that bus, in which he is arriving in the city of Puno. In the reflection of the glass window, in which, by natural law, the magical eye should be seen, but it cannot be seen because it is magical and invisible; instead of it, we see the city and the bustle in it: cars waiting for their turn to make the crossing, a few people dressed in costumes of some kind of typical dance, one or another passerby, and the musicians who accompany with their melody the modest and at the same...

Manco Cápac: Crítica de Cine, por Jonathan Quispe.

Hace un par de días, nos topamos con la grata sorpresa de descubrir a "Manco Cápac", una película de Henry Vallejo, estrenada recientemente online. Antes de verla, estuvimos indagando sobre la película, leyendo notas de prensa, entrevistas y pormenores de lo más peculiares. Pero queríamos verla por nosotros mismos.  "Manco Cápac" arranca con una imagen muy particular, con un ángulo de visión del ojo mágico imposible... Aquel maravilloso e insólito ojo mágico, que acompañará al protagonista de esta historia por el resto de la misma, nos permite ver a un muchacho acurrucado en posición fetal, de nombre Elisbán (Jesús Luque), sentado en la pequeña plataforma que es la parte media de las escaleras que comunican al primer con el segundo piso de un bus; el muchacho yace al lado de la ventana y la puerta del mismo, en el que está llegando a la ciudad de Puno. En el reflejo del vidrio de la ventana de ese bus, en el que, por ley natural, debería verse reflejado el ojo mágic...